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23.01.03 + Perspectives

Can I Use ChatGPT as a Tool for Branding?

By Alex Moulton, Chief Creative Officer

With a flurry of advances in publicly-available AI tools in 2022, I’m very curious to see how we can begin to incorporate them into our creative and strategic workflows in 2023. I’m doubtful that we’ll have clarity on the integrity of the content, the training models, or the legal usage anytime soon, but I thought I’d start by asking ChatGPT itself about how to use it for brand-building, using our own brand as a test case.

Here’s our “conversation”...the results are impressive.

Alex: How can ChatGPT be a useful tool for branding, brand strategy, graphic design, and brand-building?


ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI that has the ability to generate human-like text based on prompts given to it. As a result, it has the potential to be a useful tool in a variety of fields, including branding, brand strategy, graphic design, and brand-building.

In the field of branding, ChatGPT can be used to generate ideas for brand names, slogans, and taglines. It can also be used to create descriptions of a brand's values, mission, and vision, as well as to generate ideas for brand messaging and positioning. This can be particularly useful for businesses that are looking to establish a new brand or refresh their existing brand.

In terms of brand strategy, ChatGPT can be used to generate ideas for new product lines or services, as well as to identify potential target markets and develop marketing campaigns to reach them. It can also be used to generate ideas for partnerships and collaborations, which can be a valuable way to increase brand exposure and reach new audiences.

Graphic designers can also benefit from using ChatGPT, as it has the ability to generate ideas for visual branding elements such as logos, color schemes, and typography. This can be particularly useful for designers who are working on a tight deadline or who are struggling to come up with fresh ideas.

Finally, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in the process of brand-building. By generating ideas for content marketing, social media campaigns, and other types of brand-building activities, it can help businesses to consistently and effectively communicate their brand's values and message to their target audience.

Overall, ChatGPT has the potential to be a valuable tool for businesses and individuals in a variety of fields related to branding and marketing. Its ability to generate human-like text and ideas can save time and help to stimulate creative thinking, making it a valuable asset for anyone looking to build and strengthen their brand.

Alex: Write a short, articulate mission statement for Trollbäck+Company


At Trollbäck+Company, our mission is to use our expertise in branding and design to create meaningful and impactful visual experiences that connect with and inspire audiences. We strive to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation in all that we do, while also maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Our goal is to partner with clients to help them tell their unique stories and effectively communicate their brand's message to the world.

Alex: Explain Trollbäck+Company's creative philosophy of "Discard Everything That Means Nothing"


"Discard Everything That Means Nothing" is a creative philosophy that is embraced by Trollbäck+Company, a branding and design studio. This philosophy suggests that in order to create truly impactful and meaningful work, it is necessary to eliminate anything that is not essential or relevant.

This means letting go of ideas or elements that do not serve the overall vision or message of the project, and focusing instead on those that are truly impactful and meaningful. It also means being willing to take risks and experiment with new approaches, even if they may be unconventional or untested.

By following this philosophy, Trollbäck+Company aims to create work that is authentic, original, and impactful, and that resonates with its intended audience. By discarding everything that means nothing, the studio is able to focus on the core elements that are truly important and meaningful, resulting in work that is truly memorable and effective.

Alex: What is another way to say "discard everything that means nothing?”


One way to phrase "discard everything that means nothing" would be to say "eliminate all that is unnecessary or irrelevant." This means getting rid of anything that does not contribute to the overall vision or message of the project, and focusing only on what is essential and meaningful. Other ways to say this might include "remove all that is superfluous" or "strip away all that is unimportant." Ultimately, the idea is to simplify and streamline the work by eliminating anything that does not contribute to its effectiveness or impact.

Alex: Write a short brand manifesto for Trollbäck+Company


At Trollbäck+Company, we believe in the power of design to connect and inspire. We are driven by a desire to create meaningful and impactful visual experiences that tell stories, communicate ideas, and leave a lasting impression.

We are committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation, and to finding new and exciting ways to tell our clients' stories. We believe in the power of simplicity and strive to eliminate all that is unnecessary or irrelevant in our work.

We are also deeply committed to sustainability and social responsibility, and strive to make a positive impact on the world through our work.

Above all, we believe in the power of collaboration and partnership. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and goals, and to create work that is authentic, original, and effective.


These AI-generated results are surprisingly accurate, albeit quite generic. We'll certainly be playing and testing a lot in the coming months as ChatGPT and others continue to become more robust. It's certainly not a replacement for years of expertise and intuition, but it's a new helpful tool in the toolbox.

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